Back pain slows life. Back pain disables. Back pain eases
with exercise and care. 50% relief is a good outcome in the world of back pain relief be it with exercise or surgery or non-surgical care like chiropractic. In the non-surgical realm, combining non-surgical, chiropractic care at Vancouver Disc Centers with Cox Technic and exercise even raises the odds for even more back pain relief. In this article, Vancouver Disc Centers is sharing how exercise can really be of value to our Vancouver chiropractic patients. Exercise is something our Vancouver back pain patients can control; you can choose to exercise or not. Choosing to exercise just boosts your chance of short term and long term relief.
One research team states in their report that
most effective intervention [for back pain] is exercise, with higher benefits
in terms of pain and function.” (1) That's a bold statement though hopeful for Vancouver back pain sufferers. Experience of your Vancouver chiropractor allows confidence that
back pain relief is possible with a multi-prong approach to care. Vancouver Disc Centers offers
chiropractic care’s multi-prong approach of
spinal manipulation,
nutrition, physiological therapeutics and more. Vancouver Disc Centers helps Vancouver back pain sufferers regain some
control over their back pain by exercising.
Vancouver Disc Centers will hear our Vancouver patients say “Exercise takes so much time.” Some exercises take very little time. Some exercises have multiple
benefits. Learn those, and take less time to exercise. Take for example running
in place – any time, any place. It strengthens the abdominal muscles which
support the spine. (2) The erector spinae muscles in the spine are important in
supporting the spine, too. Ironically, though, the specific-targeting back extension
exercises don’t activate the upper lumbar erector spinae or the lumbosacral
erector spinae as well as simple running. (3) Vancouver back pain
patients are in luck then. A little running is effective in multiple ways.
Now, Vancouver Disc Centers knows that chronic non-specific low back
pain influences trunk and lower limb movement (like the knee joint). (4) Vancouver Disc Centers therefore reminds our
Vancouver low back pain patients to be careful when walking and/or
running but to keep moving.
If you’re still a skeptical
Vancouver back pain sufferer about exercise, consider that exercise
improves pain and function and relieves depression and anxiety related to back
pain. (1) Depression is a real issue when you have back pain. Sometimes, pain keeps you, our
Vancouver back pain patient, from being you and doing what you
normally do due to pain or due to fear of pain. Researchers report that
exercise done properly helps heal the body and ease the mind!
One last note, especially if you are not a big exercise fan,
is that even elite athletes like marathon runners get back pain. As a matter of
fact, half of runners in a half marathon reported back pain. These same runners,
though, report that running the marathon despite their pain improved their pain
(49%) rather than worsened it (27%). (5) Isn’t that motivating?
Contact Vancouver Disc Centers. Your Vancouver
chiropractor isn’t going to insist that you become a marathon runner. Promise!
But Vancouver Disc Centers will be encouraged to exercise: just walk or run (in place or a distance). Whatever exercise is recommended for you will
be for you and no one else! Exercise is one of the prongs in Vancouver Disc Centers’s
Vancouver chiropractic care treatment plan for you.